To recognize ground-breaking innovation and impact in one or more of the following areas:
1) Sustainability, Competitiveness, and Resilience of Agricultural Production
2) Coastal Food Systems and Marine Conservation
3) Food Innovation for Health, Markets and Access
4) Working and Natural Landscapes from the College of Agricultural Sciences.
The Faculty Innovator Award honors outstanding College of Agricultural Sciences faculty who are actively working to promote commercialization of university intellectual property, through invention disclosures, patents applications, technologies licensed, or spin-off companies formed. The award is based on creativity, novelty, and the commercial benefit to society of the innovation.
One award of $1,000 will be made to individuals; teams will receive $4,000. In addition, recipients will receive a commemorative award.
The award is open to all current CAS faculty who are actively engaged with the OSU Advantage Office to file invention disclosures, submit patent applications, develop licensed technologies, or formed spin-off companies. To be eligible, a significant research effort at OSU must have contributed to the development of the innovation.
Individual investigators and teams of investigators are eligible for this award. A team will be defined as two or more people and can exist within a single administrative unit or cross administrative units.
Evaluations will be based on the following criteria:
- Outstanding commitment in developing a groundbreaking invention.
- Related activity pursuant to the use of the invention in society.
The invention has the potential to significantly impact, or has already made an impact and brought value, to their field of science and society.
- Level of impact can be measured in a number of ways. Examples include: number of people impacted or expected to be impacted; economic impact; cultural and societal benefits; economic investment received; sales; number of jobs.
- The nominee’s performance, creativity, and commitment demonstrated throughout the invention and commercialization process.
- The invention’s potential for further development and commercialization/adoption.
In addition to the base nomination materials required for all awards, nomination packets must also include:
A statement (not to exceed 750 words) explaining why the nominee should be considered for this award, including a description of the invention, the status of the intellectual property and licensing, and the impact and value the invention has made to the field and society.
- For team nominations, this statement and the biographical summary should highlight the combined efforts of the team.
- Professional resume. For teams, a resume for each team member should be included.
- OPTIONAL: No more than three (3) pages of reprinted materials supporting the candidate’s achievements pertinent to this award nomination, such as professional and/or press articles.
This award is sponsored jointly by OSU Advantage and the College of Agricultural Sciences.