
Hatch & Hatch Multistate Capacity Grants 


         Resources for researchers, unit leaders, and grant accountants.         


In order to ensure you're using the most up-to-date version of the files on this webpage, we recommend returning to this site when you need one of the below files.


For questions, please contact:





For one document which covers many of the questions that you may have about Hatch and Multistate projects, see the below manual.



Hatch & Multistate Projects Manual


Updated: 9/19/2023


Policy Documents


OAES Policy
CAS Policy & Guidance



Tip Sheets



Updated: 10/15/2024




Any professorial faculty who have a budgeted Agricultural Experiment Station (AES) appointment of at least 0.2 FTE paid are required to join one of these projects.

If you’re not sure if this requirement applies to you, please contact your unit leader or reach out to our AES staff at aesresearch@oregonstate.edu.



Lists of the current Hatch collaborative and Multistate research projects can be found here.



Put simply, these projects have two requirements:

  1. Annual project reporting
  2. Acknowledgement of USDA-NIFA funding

For more details about these requirements, see this section of the Hatch and Hatch Multistate Research Manual.



The Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station (OAES) provides up to $1,200 in travel support funds for qualifying faculty.


To find out whether you qualify, see our Multistate travel policy.


How to access these funds varies by project/activity type. To find out where to start, take a look at this tip sheet.



Broadly speaking, our Hatch and Hatch Multistate funding is only used to fund a portion of faculty salaries.


The exception to this are:

  • Travel support funds for Multistate projects/activities. These funds are only authorized for travel expenses related to the traveler's own participation in the project/activity's annual meeting.
  • OSU Hatch collaborative project team funds. For more information on allowable expenses on these funds, see the project team funds policy document.



It may be answered in our manual, which includes more detailed information on the topics we cover in the FAQs, as well as others. We will continue to expand the FAQs, so your question may soon be answered here.

If you can't find your answer in any of the resources on this website, please reach out to aesresearch@oregonstate.edu and we'll do what we can to help.


Updated: 7/30/2024






Updated: 10/4/2023


Resources and Reference