- Agreement Form for Experiment Station or Extension Faculty to Develop and/or Deliver Ecampus or Summer Session Course(s)
- Annual Performance Evaluation Guidelines for CAS Academic Faculty
- F&A Waiver Policy
- Pre-Authorization for Travel
- Teaching Load Guidelines
CAS Dean's Approval - Routing Instructions for Documents Needing a Dean's Approval
(e.g. HR/Payroll documents, MOUs, moving/relocation agreement, Staff Fee Privileges, Communication Allowance Agreement)
- Note: Communication Allowance Agreements cannot be paid with grant funds.
Hiring & Staffing
The College of Agricultural Sciences (College) developed a series of policy documents covering staffing, recruiting, and current employee human resource actions for administrative leaders, academic-ranked faculty (tenured, tenure-track, non-tenure-track professorial ranks; research associates; faculty research assistants; and instructors), and staff. This manual consolidates all College policies into a single document and eliminates the duplication among individual documents. The manual is arranged into three primary sections. First, a section explains where the College applies and acts concerning our commitment to diversity and community. The second section on staffing and recruitment covers submitting a request for a position, initial posting, the interview process, salary negotiations, and developing a letter of offer. The third section covers current employee human resource actions and policies for faculty after they begin their position, but does not cover routine HR actions such as timesheets, PAR forms, job change forms, etc. Additional information and expectations for academically ranked faculty can be found in the Collective Bargaining Agreement between Oregon State University and the United Academics of Oregon State University.
These represent the College of Agricultural Sciences’ guidelines. All efforts have been made to ensure they augment and do not conflict with University Policies and Standards. If they conflict, the University Policies and Standards supersede these guidelines.
CAS Hiring and Staffing Manual
Quick Access Form:
CAS Extension Hiring Resources
- Extension Hiring Process for Academic Faculty
- First paragraph language for offer letters, position descriptions, and position postings for 12-month 0.75 FTE positions
- Approved Language for Extension Professor of Practice Position Duties Ag Extension
- Approved Language for Extension Tenure Track Position Duties Ag Extension
Information for CAS Faculty relating to Promotion & Tenure
- P&T College Committee Guidelines
- Peer Evaluation of Teaching Guidelines
- CAS Mid Term Review guidelines
- 2024-2025 CAS P&T Due Dates
- Guidance for Content and Formatting of CAS P&T Dossiers
- CAS Promotion or Promotion & Tenure Dossier C.V. Templates
- OSU Promotion and Tenure Guidelines
- OSU Faculty Handbook
COVID Impact on Promotion and Tenure
- CAS Faculty discussion about COVID impacts on P&T: April 1, 2021
- Guidelines for Documenting the Impacts of COVID-19
- COVID Impact Guidelines
- Sam Angima: Q&A Responses
Promotion Workshop for Instructors, Research Associates, and Faculty Research Assistants (February 7, 2024)
Promotion and Tenure Workshop for Tenure-Track, Senior Research Faculty and Professor of Practice (February 14, 2024)
Information for Extension Faculty relating to Promotion & Tenure
Extension Agriculture Peer Teaching Evaluation Forms
- Animal and Rangeland Science
- Crop and Soil Science
- Environmental and Molecular Toxicology
- Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Sciences
- Food Science and Technology
- Horticulture