Ensuring Employee Success
Each academic year the College offers seminars, training, and discussions related to diversity and inclusion initiatives, research grants and awards, promotion and tenure, OSU software, and many more topics. Please find below the current academic year's programming. If you wish to participate, please register using the link for each session. Each session is recorded for later viewing and stored in our Box Program Materials folder, along with any related materials and presentation slides. (ONID login required to access documents)
2024-25 Professional Development Series
Date & Time |
Topic |
Presented By |
Who Should Attend* |
Registration Link |
September 23rd |
New Employee Orientation | Dean's Office | All New CAS Employees | Recording available in 2024-25 Program Materials folder (link above). |
October 9th 12:00pm-1:00pm |
Orientation to Grant Writing and Submission at CAS Working with the OSU Division of Research and Innovation, proposal development and support, Cayuse, etc. |
Liz Etherington Director of CAS Sponsored Programs Service |
Academic Faculty | Recording available in 2024-25 Program Materials folder (link above). |
November 13th 12:00pm-1:00pm |
Applying DEI in Research, Extension and Teaching Creating measurable DEI actions, effectively integrating DEI into work, documenting DEI activities |
Katherine Gunter |
All CAS Employees | Recording available in 2024-25 Program Materials folder (link above). |
December 4th 12:00pm-1:00pm |
Check in- |
Yanyun Zhao |
New Employees | |
December 11th 12:00pm-1:00pm |
Faculty Success Generate annual accomplishment reports, build P&T dossiers, etc. |
Tim Rager Director of CAS IT |
All Academic Faculty | Recording available in 2024-25 Program Materials folder (link above). |
January 8th 12:00pm-1:00pm |
Navigating the Perfect Storm: Practical Tips for Working with Students' Mental Health Issues, AI Use, and More |
Regan Gurung |
All CAS Employees Who Work with Students | Recording available in 2024-25 Program Materials folder (link above). |
January 15th 12:00pm-12:30pm |
How to Use Concur | Representatives from the OSU Travel and Expense Office | All CAS Employees | Recording available in 2024-25 Program Materials folder (link above). |
January 22nd 12:00pm-12:30pm |
Budget & Fiscal Management |
Jackie Thorsness |
All CAS Employees | Recording available in 2024-25 Program Materials folder (link above). |
February 5th 12:00pm-1:00pm |
P&T Workshops for Instructors, RAs and FRAs |
Yanyun Zhao, CAS Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs Nadia Singh, CAS Associate Dean for Inclusive Excellence & Faculty Affairs |
Instructors, RAs and FRAs | Register |
February 12th 12:00pm-1:00pm |
P&T Workshops for Professorial Faculty |
Yanyun Zhao, CAS Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs Nadia Singh, CAS Associate Dean for Inclusive Excellence & Faculty Affairs |
TT, PoP and Sr. Research Professorial Faculty | Register |
March 5th 12:00pm-1:00pm |
CAS New Employee Check-in |
Yanyun Zhao |
New Academic Faculty | Register |
March 12th |
Monica Kulp |
Professional Faculty |
Register |
April 2nd |
Build a Strong Research and International Program |
Shawn Donkin |
Professorial Faculty |
Register |
May 14th |
OSU Social Justice Education Initiative |
All CAS Employees |
Register |
June 4th |
Check in- |
Yanyun Zhao |
New Academic Faculty | Register |
*TT = Tenure-track Faculty
PoP = Professor of Practice
SR = Senior Research Faculty
INS = Instructors
RA = Research Associates
FRA = Faculty Research Assistants
PD = Post Docs
UL = Unit Leaders
PF = Professional Faculty
C = Classified
2023-24 Professional Development Series
Date & Time |
Topic |
Presented By |
Who Should Attend* |
Registration Link |
September 20 7:30am - 1:00pm KIDD 202 |
New Employee Orientation Overview of CAS mission, structure, and vision. Review and highlights of CAS resources (e.g., safety, human resources, finances). Meet and greet with the deans, campus partners, ARF leadership, and fellow peers. |
Dean's Office | CAS New Employees | Recording available in Program Materials 23-24 |
October 11 12:00-1:00pm |
Orientation to Grant Writing and Submission at CAS |
Liz Etherington, Director of Sponsored Programs Service, College of Agricultural Sciences | TT, PoP, SR, RA, PD | Recording available in Program Materials 23-24 |
November 6 12:00-1:00pm |
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Effectively integrating DEI into your everyday work, measurable DEI actions, and documenting DEI activities. This session will not be recorded. |
Quentin Tyler, Director of MSU Extension, Senior Associate Dean for Outreach and Engagement, Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, College of Agriculture & Natural Resources, Michigan State University |
All CAS Employees | (not recorded) |
December 6 12:00-1:00pm |
New Faculty Check in with the Deans What's working, what's not, what has surprised you, and how can we help? |
Yanyun Zhao, Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs |
New Faculty: TT, PoP, SR, INS, RA, FRA, PF | (not recorded) |
December 13 |
Use of Faculty Success to Generate Annual Accomplishment Report Find out how best to use Faculty Success (previously known as Digital Measures) to your advantage, including how to generate your annual accomplishment report for use during your annual review. |
Adam Schaeffer, Faculty Success, Information Technology Consultant | TT, PoP, SR, INS, RA, FRA, PD, PF | Recording available in Program Materials 23-24 |
January 10 12:00-1:00pm |
Navigating the Perfect Storm |
Regan Gurung, Associate Vice Provost & Executive Director, Center for Teaching and Learning | TT, PoP, SR, RA, PD, PF | Recording available in Program Materials 23-24 |
January 17 12:00-12:30pm |
Navigating the OSU System - Concur |
Laura Dalton, Jessica King, Anthony Deck, OSU Travel and Expense Office | All CAS Employees | Recording available in Program Materials 23-24 |
January 24 12:00-12:30pm |
Budget Management Mini-session tailored to CAS Employees will cover 1) the basics about various funding sources, 2) who to contact for your budget/fiscal needs, and 3) how to look up your grant expenditures and balances in OSU's Grant Reporting System (GRS). |
Jackie Thorsness, CAS Financial Officer | TT, PoP, SR, INS, RA, FRA, PD, PF | Recording available in Program Materials 23-24 |
January 31 12:00-12:30pm |
OSUF - Foundation Relations Opportunities The OSU Foundation's Office of Foundation Relations supports the university, colleges, centers, institutes, faculty, and staff pursuing funding from private foundations. This session will introduce the team members and describe the office's key services. In addition, attendees will explore available resources to find private foundation funding opportunities. |
Aaron Shonk, Senior Director, Foundation Relations, OSU Foundation |
TT, PoP, SR, INS, RA, FRA, PD, PF | Recording available in Program Materials 23-24 |
February 7 12:00-1:00pm |
Promotion Workshop for Instructors, Research Associates, and Faculty Research Assistants | Yanyun Zhao, Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs | INS, RA, FRA | Recording available in Program Materials 23-24 |
February 14 12:00-1:00pm |
Promotion and Tenure Workshop for Tenure-Track Faculty, Senior Research, and Professor of Practice |
Yanyun Zhao, Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs Sam Angima, Associate Dean for Extension |
TT, SR, PoP | Recording available in Program Materials 23-24 |
March 6 12:00-1:00pm |
Resources for Promoting Research Integrity Managing outside interests, international research, and more. |
Chris Viggiani, Associate Vice President for Research Integrity, Division of Research and Innovation |
UL, TT, PoP, INS, SR, RA, FRA, PD | Recording available in Program Materials 23-24 |
March 13 12:00-1:00pm |
New Faculty Check in with the Deans What's working, what's not, what has surprised you, and how can we help? |
Yanyun Zhao, Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs Staci Simonich, Dean |
New Faculty: TT, PoP, SR, INS, RA, FRA, PF | (not recorded) |
April 10 12:00-1:00pm |
Building a Strong Research Program at OSU Panel Best practices in research group development, defining and pitching your research, building a mentoring network |
Shawn Donkin, Associate Dean for Research, Panel of CAS PIs |
TT, PoP, SR, RA | Recording available in Program Materials 23-24 |
May 15 12:00-1:00pm |
How to Interact with the Media |
Chris Branam, News and Public Affairs Manager, OSU Extension Communications Sean Nealon, News Director, OSU University Relations and Marketing |
All CAS Employees | Recording available in Program Materials 23-24 |
June 5 12:00-1:00pm |
New Employee Check in with the Deans What's working, what's not, what has surprised you, and how can we help? |
Yanyun Zhao, Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs Staci Simonich, Dean |
New Employees: TT, PoP, SR, INS, RA, FRA, PF, C | Register |
*TT = Tenure-track Faculty
PoP = Professor of Practice
SR = Senior Research Faculty
INS = Instructors
RA = Research Associates
FRA = Faculty Research Assistants
PD = Post Docs
UL = Unit Leaders
PF = Professional Faculty
C = Classified
2022-23 Program Materials (e.g., agenda, handouts, recordings)
Date & Time |
Topic |
Presented By |
Who Should Attend* |
Registration Link |
September 26 8:00am - 12:15pm |
New Faculty Orientation | Dean's Office | New Faculty: TT, PoP, SR, INS, RA, FRA | Recording available in Program Materials folder. |
October 11 12:00-1:00pm |
Orientation to Grant Writing and Submission at CAS & Navigating Funding Sources Outside of Federal Opportunities | Liz Etherington, Director of Sponsored Programs Service, College of Agricultural Sciences | TT, PoP, SR, RA, PD | Recording available in Program Materials folder. |
November 8 12:00-1:00pm |
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Measurable DEI actions, effectively integrating DEI into work, documenting DEI activities. |
Jeff Kenney, Director of Institutional Education for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion |
TT, PoP, SR, INS, RA, FRA, PD, PF | Recording available in Program Materials folder. |
December 6 12:00-1:00pm |
Check in with the Deans What's working, what's not, what has surprised you, and how can we help? |
Yanyun Zhao, Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs |
New Faculty: TT, PoP, SR, INS, RA, FRA, PF | Not recorded. |
December 13 |
Use of Faculty Success to Generate Annual Accomplishment Report Find out how best to use Faculty Success (previously known as Digital Measures) to your advantage including how to generate your annual accomplishment report for use during your annual review. |
Lucas Turpin, Director of Information Technologies, Division of Extension and Engagement, College of Agricultural Sciences | TT, PoP, SR, INS, RA, FRA, PD, PF | Recording available in Program Materials folder. |
January 10 12:00-1:00pm |
Networking and Building Relationships |
Nicole Hindes, Director, OSU Basic Needs Center | TT, PoP, SR, RA, PD, PF | Recording available in Program Materials folder. |
January 17 12:00-12:30pm |
Navigating the OSU System - Concur |
Laura Dalton, Accountant, OSU Travel and Expense Office | TT, PoP, SR, INS, RA, FRA, PD, PF | Recording available in Program Materials folder. |
January 24 12:00-12:30pm |
Navigating the OSU System - EmpCenter Mini-session tailored to CAS Employees: What should supervisors look for before approving timesheets; how to see leave balances (e.g., post-docs); how does the new paid leave program work? |
Patty DeLuca, EmpCenter Product Manager, OSU Finance and Administration | TT, PoP, SR, INS, RA, FRA, PD, PF | Recording available in Program Materials folder. |
January 31 12:00-12:30pm |
Navigating the OSU System - Resources for how to be a supervisor Mini-session tailored to CAS employees: How to set a salary range during the hire; navigating salary negotiations - what should be evaluated; training and resources for those who supervise graduate students, FRAs, and student workers. |
Curtis Flynn, Human Resources Strategic Partner, CAS |
TT, PoP, SR, INS, RA, FRA, PD, PF | Recording available in Program Materials folder. |
February 7 12:00-1:00pm |
Leadership Development A personal journey from student to industry to professor to administrator. Her passion for people, science, diversity and life, and her tips for leading at every life in step. |
Staci Simonich, Dean and Director, CAS and OAES | TT, PoP, SR, SR, INS, RA, FRA, PD, PF | Recording available in Program Materials folder. |
March 7 12:00-1:00pm |
Export Controls and International Travels Awareness | Mallory Day, Export Compliance Officer at the Research Office | All CAS Employees | Recording available in Program Materials folder. |
March 14 12:00-1:00pm |
Check in with the Deans What's working, what's not, what has surprised you, and how can we help? |
Yanyun Zhao, Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs Sam Angima, Associate Dean for Extension |
New Faculty: TT, PoP, SR, INS, RA, FRA, PF | |
April 11 12:00-1:00pm |
Setting Up and Growing Your Research Program/Lab |
Shawn Donkin, Associate Dean for Research and Associate Director, CAS and OAES
Faculty panelists |
TT, PoP, SR, RA | Recording available in Program Materials folder. |
April 18 12:00-1:30pm |
Promotion Workshop for Instructors, Research Associates, and Faculty Research Assistants | Yanyun Zhao, Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs | INS, RA, FRA | Recording available in Program Materials folder. |
April 20 12:00-1:30pm |
Promotion and Tenure Workshop for Tenure-Track Faculty, Senior Researcher Faculty, and Professor of Practice |
Yanyun Zhao, Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs Sam Angima, Associate Dean for Extension |
TT, SR, PoP | Recording available in Program Materials folder. |
May 9 12:00-1:00pm |
Selecting and Mentoring Successful Postdocs and Graduate Students |
Jennifer Field, Professor, EMT Hong Liu, Professor, BEE Vaughn Walton, Professor, HORT |
TT, SR, PoP | Recording available in Program Materials folder. |
June 13 12:00-1:00pm |
Check in with the Deans What's working, what's not, what has surprised you, and how can we help? |
Yanyun Zhao, Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs Staci Simonich, Dean |
New Faculty: TT, PoP, SR, INS, RA, FRA, PF | Not recorded. |
*TT = Tenure-track Faculty
PoP = Professor of Practice
SR = Senior Research Faculty
INS = Instructors
RA = Research Associates
FRA = Faculty Research Assistants
PD = Post Docs
UL = Unit Leaders
PF = Professional Faculty
Date | Topic | Trainers/Host | Who Should Attend?* |
September 20 | Welcome and Orientation | Dean’s Office |
September 29 | Liz Etherington, CAS Research Program Administrator | TT, PoP, SR, RA, PD | |
October 16 | Effective Education Design Series for Extension and Other | Mary L. Halbleib, Associate Professor of Practice | Faculty with Extension and Outreach duties |
October 26 | Engaging Undergraduates in Research Program | Stephanie Ramos, Interim Associate Director Undergraduate Research, Scholarship and Arts | TT, PoP, SR, INS, RA, FRA, PD |
November 23 |
Check-in—what’s working, what’s not, what has surprised you, and how can we help? |
Dan Edge Staci Simonich |
December 14 | Setting Up and Growing Your Research Program/Lab | Faculty Panel | TT, PoP, SR, RA, PD |
December 16 | Growing a Culture of Dialogue | Jeff Kenney, Director of Institutional Education for Diversity, Equity + Inclusion | TT, PoP, SR, INS, RA, FRA, PD |
January 25 | Engaging with Boards, Commissions and the Legislature | Katie Fast, Executive Director of Government Relations | TT, PoP, SR |
February 15 | Evaluating your Employees | Curtis Flynn, Human Resources Strategic Partner | TT, PoP, SR, INS, RA, FRA, PD |
February 24 | Trauma Informed Adult Education: Prepare, Respond, Restore | Jeff Kenney, Director of Institutional Education for Diversity, Equity + Inclusion | TT, PoP, SR, INS, RA, FRA, PD |
March 28, 3-5pm | Check-in—what’s working, what’s not, what has surprised you,and how can we help? |
Yanyun Zhao Shawn Donkin |
April 19 | Get a Life—Life Work Balance | Christina Schaaf, Work Life Coordinator | TT, PoP, SR, INS, RA, FRA, PD |
April 28 |
Promotion Workshop for Instructors, Research Associates, and Faculty Research Assistants |
May 3, 2022 | Promotion Workshop for Tenure-Track and Research Faculty | ||
May 9, 2022 | Promotion Workshop for Professor of Practice | ||
May 17 | Selecting and Mentoring Successful Graduate Students |
Faculty Panel Steph Bernell, Associate Dean of the Graduate School |
TT, SR |
May 26 | canceled | canceled | TT, PoP, SR, INS, RA, FRA, PD |
June 7 | Check-in—what’s working, what’s not, what has surprised you, and how can we help? |
Dan Edge Staci Simonich |
*TT = Tenure-track faculty
PoP = Professor of Practice
SR = Senior Research Faculty
INS = Instructors
RA = Research Associates
FRA = Faculty Research Assistants
PD = Post Docs
UL = Unit Leaders
Date + time | Topic | Trainers/Host | Who Should Attend?* |
16 Sept 1:30-3:00 | Keep on Teaching Workshop |
Penny Diebel Lynn Greenough |
18 Sept 10:00-11:30 | Introduction to Canvas |
Ricardo Mata-Gonzalez Lynn Greenough |
18 Sept 12:30-5:00 | New Faculty Orientation | Dean’s Office | TT, PoP, SR, INS, RA, FRA |
20 Oct 3:00-5:00 | Orientation to Grant Writing and Submission | Liz Etherington | TT, PoP, SR, RA, PD |
17 Nov 3:00-5:00 | Engaging Undergraduates in Your Research Program |
Christina Walsh Sophie Pierszalowski |
15 Dec 3:00-5:00 | Check-in—what’s working, what’s not, what has surprised you, and how can we help? |
Dan Edge Joyce Loper |
12 Jan | CAS Communications Workshop | ||
19 Jan 3:00-5:00 | Setting Up and Growing Your Research Program/Lab | Faculty Panel | TT, PoP, SR, RA, PD |
16 Feb 3:00-5:00 | Selecting and Mentoring Successful Graduate Students |
Faculty Panel Stephane Bernell |
TT, SR |
16 Mar 3:00-5:00 | Get a Life—Life Work Balance | Christina Schaaf | TT, PoP, SR, INS, RA, FRA, PD |
20 Apr 3:00-5:00 | Developing Successful Outreach and Engagement Programs |
Sam Angima Mary Halbleib |
TT, PoP, SR |
18 May 3:00-5:00 | Evaluating Your Employees | Curtis Flynn | TT, PoP, SR, RA, FRA, PD |
8 Jun 3:00-5:00 | Check-in—what’s working, what’s not, what has surprised you, and how can we help? |
Dan Edge Joyce Loper |
* TT = Tenure-track faculty,
PoP = Professor of Practice,
SR = Senior Research Faculty,
INS = Instructors,
RA = Research Associates,
FRA = Faculty Research Assistants,
PD = Post Docs,
UL = Unit Leaders