Laura Piceno Alavez
I am a senior studying Agricultural and Food Business Management. As for my career goals, leadership is going to play an important role because with my Agricultural and Food Business Management major, I would like to be a manager of an agricultural business and that requires leadership. A good manager should be able to lead by example, and leadership skills can help me motivate and positively influence employees, co or business partners, and customers.
Samantha Amador
Hi, I am a junior studying Bioresource Research. As a future leader it is important to understand the adversities in which all college students go through. Leaders are not perfect, but have overcome challenges that have given them the skills needed to tackle what may come their way. I could have easily moved on with my life and given up on my dream to be educated merely because I thought my failures are what defined my future.
Kadi Atiyeh
I'm Kadi, and I'm a junior with a double major in Agricultural and Food Business Management and Food, Science and Technology. In my personal life, I see leadership as a form of lifestyle. Every time one takes initiative on a task or takes the time to help out somebody else, leadership is being used and tested. I see leadership as a method to make the right decisions and bring goodness into the world each day. By practicing leadership in my personal life, I can become my best self, using this to support my own goals and help others thrive as well.
Layle Bennett
I am a senior in Animal Sciences, with a minor in Agricultural and Food Business Management. I have had amazing advice, life wisdom, and lessons from the leaders in my life and I have always wanted to have that impact on others someday weather that is my family, friends, through work, or in the younger generations. I am a full believer that leadership is one of the top qualities you can have in anything you do.
Hi, I'm a junior studying Fisheries and Wildlife. Developing those deeper bonds that extend beyond the length of a class outside the structure of the program has been challenging. Being in a constant state of personal growth is extremely important to me. I am always striving to improve my understanding of myself, as well as becoming more educated about others’ experiences. I wanted to join the Leadership Academy because the introspection demanded by the Leadership Academy seems like it would complement this well.
Jessica Bradley
Hi, I'm a junior studying Environmental Economics and Policy. Specifically, I am interested in Environmental law and advocacy, especially in developing nations. In this career, I think having a strong leadership background will be helpful for leading research and advocacy initiatives. I think it would also help me be more assertive and confident in my personal life, and give me the tools to lead the clubs that I am already a part of.
Hanna Circle
I am a Sophomore studying Animal Sciences. As an aspiring veterinarian, being a successful leader is a crucial part of completing that job on a daily basis. All of the work that is done in a veterinary setting requires an extensive amount of team work, and I believe that the skills I will learn as a part of this cohort will help me flourish when that time comes.
Jensen Comment
I am a Sophomore studying Agricultural Sciences. After receiving a Bachelor's Degree in Agriculture Science, I plan to continue on to graduate school and obtain a Master's Degree in Agriculture Education. Following graduation, I hope to accept a secondary teaching position within my home state of Oregon and work as an agriculture teacher and FFA advisor. Naturally, this position requires facilitation, communication, and organization skills that I believe the Leadership Academy could help strengthen within me.
Emma Coughlin
I am a Junior studying Animal Sciences. My current career goal is to serve as a veterinarian in a zoo, working with and taking care of the animals. To be in that position, I have to work alongside, and with other people, so skills that help me lead are obviously helpful in that situation. By joining the Leadership Academy, I hope that it will help push me in those directions as well as gain skills that will help me later, both in and out of my future career.
Leanna Eklund
I am a Junior studying Agricultural Sciences. My goal is to own my own business that aligns with my mission of educating and serving others on the importance of sustainable and regenerative agriculture and be a steward of this Earth. This requires many leadership and interpersonal skills. I have been working hard on personal development skills and still have a great deal to learn. In both my personal and career life, being a leader helps me relate to, help, and teach others, learn by teaching, and become a better listener, communicator, and human being.
Charlotte Epps
Hi, I am a Senior studying Bio Resource Research and Sustainability, with a minor in Chemistry. I can see the Leadership Academy providing connections to other students and mentors to collaborate and brainstorm how to realize the dreams I have about making this campus even more beautiful and harmonious with the natural ecosystems. I would be grateful to have the opportunity to continue to fill my social network at OSU with driven individuals that motivate me to show up for myself and the people who believe in me!
Shea Fleetwood
Hi, I'm a Junior in Bio Resource Research with a minor in Chemistry. In order to do my part in this society, I will do my best to become an individual others can look to for advice and support, someone who knows how to bridge people through a common goal and feeling. I believe that the Leadership Academy will help me become such a person that not only knows how to maximize work efficiency, but will more importantly connect people through teamwork and individual bonding.
Dennet Flores Elizondo
I am a Junior majoring in Bio Resource Research with a minor in Chemistry. I would like to be in Leadership Academy to improve my leadership skills and to learn more about what being a leader actually is. I believe that these two things are essential as we are transitioning into our future careers as well as becoming part of organizations on campus. In the future I hope to become an orthodontist which would require me to professionally lead my office, which I haven't really done before.
Reuben Garnett
Hi, I am a Senior studying Agricultural Sciences. I see myself owning, operating, and managing my family's organic small-grain farm in Sheridan, Oregon. My undergraduate education in Agricultural Science will be directly applicable to this goal, however I recognize that a day job is required to keep small farms financially afloat. To fulfill my career goals, I will need training in navigating leadership within the world of professional agriculture. Having a faculty mentor with this knowledge and dedication to passing it on to me will be invaluable in having a successful off-farm income that is relevant to my area of interest, as well as improving my experience and performance as an employee anywhere.
Tarisha Goosmann
I am a Senior studying Agricultural Scieces with a minor in Horticulture. Getting to network in this field and develop confidence in leadership skills would be incredibly beneficial to learn prior to graduation, as leadership skills are essential to everyday life. Being able to work as an effective team and knowing how to be professional in different avenues of life is advantageous for multiple reasons. I think that this would be a good opportunity to grow as a young professional, and learn how to approach others from a business standpoint. Being able to be paired with a faculty member that acts as a mentor is a great opportunity to ask questions and learn from someone with experience in this field as wel
Madison Gray
Hi, my name is Madison. I am a Junior studying Animal Sciences. Leadership is the key to success in the veterinary field. To me, a leader is someone that others look up to and who demonstrates skills such as patience, teamwork, and being open-minded. I wish to be that person in veterinary school and beyond. I want to be the one who my peers or patients can turn to for advice or support, and I want to always be open-minded to learning more and improving myself. Therefore, I see leadership skills being crucial to my success as a veterinary student and veterinarian. I aspire to both learn from and guide my peers and patients, being a role model for others but always looking for ways to be a better student, a better vet, a better leader.
Charles Gregory
I am a Junior in Fisheries and Wildlife. I have learned that leadership is as much a science as it an art form that can and should be continuously developed. My leadership training and experiences helped me through a military career and set me up for success in my civilian career as a federal emergency manager. Now as I begin preparing for a career path leading into veterinary medicine, I believe I will need leadership skills that have an emphasis on academia, science and research. This is a gap in my leadership skills and knowledge, and I think that this program will truly help in that area.
Paige Hahn
I am a Junior majoring in Forestry. Leadership plays a very important role in all aspects in my life. As a volunteer firefighter/EMT and a career wildland firefighter, it is imperative that the values of leadership are inherently present both in how I conduct myself personally and in how I handle situations in my career. In my career, I must be able to make quick, decisive decisions and be able to communicate them to my fellow firefighters as well as members of the public. I must also remain professional both on and off of the fireground, due to the extremely public nature of my work. Therefore, the personal aspect of leadership also plays a large role.
Hannah Halla
Hi, I am a Senior studying Forestry. I want to be able to bring the best out of the people around me, recognize their strengths and help them improve the things about themselves they want to improve. I believe that will help me grow as well, and I have always enjoyed being around and working with people who can do this. I also want to have the ability to lead projects well so I can grow as a professional. Foresters may not always need to engage with the public as much as some other professions, but I believe being a stronger leader will help me to better represent the forest sector through interactions with my coworkers and with others who I interact with on the topic of the industry and forest practices in general.
Carver Heine
I am a Junior double majoring in Forest Engineering and Civil Engineering. I think leadership skills help to make me more confident, decisive, and level-headed. This will help my personal life by allowing me to make educated decisions in a more self-assured manner and be able to delegate better among peers and colleagues. Professionally, I believe leadership will aid in managing large scale projects and creating a smooth work flow even when many people and assets are involved.
Briauna Herrick
I am a Sophomore in Agricultural Sciences. I see leadership playing a large part in my future because it is everywhere. No matter what you do as a career or what company you may end up working for being a leader and possessing leadership skills will always be important. It won't matter if you work in an office or if you have a hands on job, the role of a leader will always be needed. Leadership is found in almost every job whether it be individual leadership or within a team. In everyone's life there may come a time when they need to step up as a leader and help those around them.
Emma Holmes
l am a Sophomore studying Tourism, Recreation and Adventure Leadership. I see leadership playing a daily role in my personal life on campus and in the future. I think being able to communicate with my fellow classmates and friends professionally and confidently is extremely important in social situations and in the classroom. In my future career I hope to travel and work with communities all around the world dealing with issues related to tourism, people, and the natural world. When communicating with people of all different cultures and backgrounds it is extremely important to lead with respect and empathy and I believe the Leadership Academy will help me with that.
Anne (Myrtle) Horel
Hi, I'm Myrtle, and I am a Senior studying Horticulture with a minor in Spanish. I plan to run a business and I want my business to be an integral part of my community's food system and cultural and ecological sustainability. I want to be comfortable working with community leaders, colleagues in my industry, politicians and bankers, as well as my neighbors. I've been an activist and event organizer but have had a hard time sustaining my efforts, and think that understanding more about leadership will help me through my long term goals.
Laura Howard
I am a Junior studying Agricultural Sciences. Leadership has always been an important part of my life and I would like to continue growing in that aspect. It's important for me to be able to step up and lead in any given situation when the need arises; whether that be in a social or academic setting. As far as leadership playing a part in my career goals, leadership characteristics are appealing to potential employers and it is my goal to not stay stagnant and just get by, rather I want to grow in my career, and that takes leadership. It is important for me to be someone my coworkers can turn to and employers are able to trust and rely on.
Mason Justice
I am a Sophomore in Environmental Economics and Policy with a minor in Agricultural and Food Business Management. One key aspect which intrigues me about this program is the opportunity to meet people with similar interests, while also networking within the college of agriculture. The chance to meet students with similar interests as myself is something I have been searching for while attending Oregon State University. In order to be a strong leader, one must know how to serve the greater good for an organization. With a career pathway in the law industry, leadership is something that is crucial for success in the Ag field.
Marina Larson
I am a Senior in Fisheries and Wildlife. I have learned so much from connecting with others, and I think the insight from my peers and an experienced mentor would be very valuable; insight that could help me gain a better idea of which specific career is best for me. Being surrounded by other leaders, in an environment that encourages introspection, I think would be ideal for the personal and leadership development that I want for myself. On another note, I am excited by the chance to strengthen my connection with my community. I want to surround myself with other leaders, and build on my relationship with my mentor.
Bridget Levy
Hi, I am a Junior studying Natural Resources and Tourism, Recreation and Adventure Leadership. I want to be part of the Leadership Academy because I want to grow as a leader, teammate, and overall individual. I am incredibly passionate about leading within my field of natural resource management as well as civic engagement and education. I want to hone skills such as organization, communication, and conflict management to help better how I lead and work in a team with others. I hope to gain friendships with my peers as we learn and work on leadership skills together.
Shanti Lindberg
I am a Senior studying Fisheries and Wildlife and Spanish. The role that leadership would play in my personal life is to help me gain confidence in daily decisions and look at certain things from multiple different perspectives. In my career goals, leadership will give me the chance to work in different settings confidently and become closer to obtaining my end goal, which is to work in South America. Overall, leadership will open many doors, not only for myself but for my career as well.
Emma Loftin
I am a Junior studying Food, Science and Technology with a minor in Chemistry. My goal would be to one day own my own brewery or winery and so having strong leadership skills would be important. I like the idea of having a mentor who I would be able to reach out to and ask questions. It can also be challenging to find others in my major and I would embrace the opportunity to get to know other students with similar interests.
Rob Luster
I am a Postbacc studying Rangeland Ecology, Crop and Soil Science, and Geology. The Leadership Academy will instill lifelong skills that can be applied to my personal life and help with my career goals. This will be demonstrated with each challenge because of the skills learned in leadership roles.
Jamie McEntire
I am a Sophomore studying Agricultural and Food Business Management. Being apart of the Leadership Academy would not only set me apart from others applying to the master's program but help shape me into a better leader, and advocate for agriculture. Each of the previous organizations I have been involved in helped pave my path in life. A career goal of mine is to become an agriculture teacher and with that, an FFA advisor. Leadership and FFA go hand in hand. Being an advisor I'd need to exemplify leadership skills, to help shape the next leaders in ag. From a personal perspective, I think leadership skills are crucial.
Gabriel Millen
Hi, I'm an Honors Agricultural Sciences student with a minor in Comparative International Agriculture. From what I've observed watching others and looking at my own life up to this point is that everything is leadership. Leadership of myself and my own ambitions (self-control), leadership in a team by setting the tone even with small gestures or comments, and that even the smallest acts can lead to big consequences. I know that for me to be successful personally and in international work having honed and trained in leadership skill could very well make the difference between happiness and total failure.
Thomas Monin
Hi, I am a Junior in Botany. Leadership is a very important skill to learn, I have worked in groups in classrooms and at work regularly for most of my life but it has been very rare for a teacher to specifically teach people how to work with each other. The lessons I learned about working with others came from experiencing the successes and failures with my groups rather than a structured education. In Botany, working together can help progress happen more steadily, and knowing how to get a group together and motivated to succeed is an invaluable skill.
Ariel Montgomery
I am a Senior studying Forestry. My career goals involve being a silviculturist who is responsible for administering the way forests will be harvested and managed. This involves being responsible for communicating with individuals that will carry out the plans I have put in place for an area and instilling confidence in my decisions.
Eric Muller
I am a Senior studying Agricultural and Food Business Management with a minor in Forestry. Leadership is a very important part of my future life and career goals. Being a leader allows you to make the right decisions for yourself and a group of people. Aspiration and creating direction is what role I see leadership playing in my future. I believe that an opportunity to develop myself professionally is one to pursue.
Kathryn Ness
I am a Junior studying Animal Sciences. Leadership will play a major part in my personal life as well as career goals. Currently, I am a student worker at the OSU Large Animal Hospital and will be applying for vet school January 2022. I also am applying for farrier school, for a summer, in order to develop better horse handling skills as well as assess lameness issues to better prepare myself for a possible opportunity at vet school. All of these positions require me to show my leadership skills and my confidence as a leader.
Lucas Norton Guerra
Hi, I'm Lucas, a Senior in Crop and Soil Science. Either within the academic or private sector, my career will necessitate confident and intelligent decision making. Leadership will play a large role in my personal life as I seek to own land and manage a farm. I can only imagine all the careful choices I will need to make while still having confidence in my actions. Having the vision to make prudent choices, and still understanding the pertinent tasks in the moment, is how we become participant individuals in a society. Only by having the skill set of a leader will I be able to lead myself towards any goal.
Morgan Orem
Hi, I am a Senior in Agricultural Sciences with a minor in Animal Sciences. I think leadership will play a large role within my personal life and career goals. Upon graduation, I plan to become either an agricultural education instructor or an agribusiness manager. Within either of these careers, I will utilize leadership skills everyday such as communication, working on a team, motivation and determination, positivity, and creativity. Within my personal life, these skills will also be important when working with and interacting with friends and family. These skills as well as others are essential for success both personally and within my career.
Javier Rivera
Hi, I am a Sophomore studying Agricultural Sciences. I see leadership in my personal life almost everyday. When I was back home, I was the foreman of multiple jobs. Then when I came to college, I was always put into leadership positions in my small group activities. For my career goals I want to one day own a big farm so I can help to change peoples views of farming practices. I believe that I will be leading a movement that will have to do a lot with the public, and I will need to know how express my views and opinions appropriately, while also being persuasive.
Savannah Rodriguez
I am a Sophomore in Animal Sciences. I have always considered myself to be a leader when in a group, and feel I would contribute to our weekly seminars in a positive and innovative way. When outside of our cohort, I believe I would implement leadership qualities to other aspects of my studies, such as my classes, group projects, etc.. I truly learn best hands on, and with potential learning service projects I feel that I would be able to thrive immensely. My goal ultimately is to become a large animal veterinarian, so having any professional connections to the outside would be greatly appreciated and utilized.
Brianna Rubio
I am a Junior studying Animal Sciences. In my prospective career path, leadership is a very important skill to learn. As a veterinarian, it is essential to be able to lead a group of people that must work towards a common goal of patient health and wellbeing, as well as client satisfaction. Leadership skills can give me an advantage with internship and job opportunities as well, as I will have a more diverse skills portfolio and be able to form the connections I need to move up in my career goals.
Kevin Sanchez
My name is Kevin, and I am a Junior studying Bio Resource Research. Leadership is very important because in a job setting some people are scared to take a risk and sometimes you have to be the first one to step up. You are either going to fail or succeed and if you succeed great, but if you fail don't feel discouraged, it gives you more of a reason to try again until you succeed.
Quinton Schmelzenbach
Hi, I am a Junior studying Bio Resource Research and Crop and Soil Science. In my personal life, I am usually one of the ones looked to in a group of friends to solve a problem, make a decision, or resolve a conflict. Having enhanced leadership skills will make me more comfortable in this area, as well as allow me to make the decision as to how best to empower others to explore being a leader themselves. Professionally, I strive to be a farmer and a professor. I want to teach crop and soil science at a university level, while practicing it in the field. In this capacity, I believe having the appropriate leadership skills would allow me to influence my students in a way they have not been taught before, as well as present myself professionally and competently to potential investors.
Kenneth Schmidgall
Hi, I am a Senior majoring in Forestry. Leadership plays a large role in my personal life and career goals already. I am currently the chair of the Portland chapter of Society of American Foresters and vice chair of the student chapter at OSU. I have had to learn to juggle the responsibilities of leadership with the stress of being a full time student. I hope that through membership in the leadership academy that I can learn how to be a better leader and apply that to the leadership positions I have already taken on and the ones I will take on in the future.
Olivia Schmidt
Hi, I am a Sophomore studying Horticulture. My greatest dream is to have a mostly self-sufficient homestead, a family, and a job that involves gardening. I see leadership as aligning my actions with my goals, persevering past obstacles, and being stable, selfless, and unconditionally loving for the people who need me. Accomplishing all of this will take considerable leadership. I see this program as an excellent opportunity to propel me along my path of developing it.
Madisen Schreder
Hi, my name is Madisen and I'm a Senior studying Agricultural Sciences with a Leadership minor. When most of us think of leaders, we usually focus on those individuals that stand out as powerful, popular, or highly influential. To me, true leadership is none of these things, but is defined by hard work, setting an example, standing beside those you work with or love. It is being confident in being in the background, building up and including others. I want to be a person that helps affect change. My goal is to learn to be a leader that marks my success by the number of people I inspire and empower. I desire to learn leadership skills that are based on my personal values and the integrity that I was raised with. A good leader is humble, kind, and learns to work with people by listening, and doing, but always follows with action and collaboration.
Bailie Shultz
Hi, I am a Junior studying Agricultural Sciences with a minor in Sustainability. As a career goal, I want to help bridge the gap between farmers and consumers. If I am an ineffective leader and communicator, this will not happen. There needs to be a change in how agricultural industry leaders teach farmers to communicate with consumers because it is not working right now. To change the face of communicating agriculture to the public, you need a leader. But I do not just want to be put in the leadership role; I want to make a difference. This program can advance my leadership skills to heights I did not know were possible.
Kiley Silver
I am a Senior majoring in Animal Sciences. I know during vet school I want to be a leader and work to the best of my ability to further my knowledge. Once I am a certified veterinarian I will have to be able to lead my team through difficult surgeries so I feel Leadership Academy will prepare me for those situations. After becoming an established veterinarian I want to own my own practice and with that comes many leadership tasks. I see leadership all throughout my future and feel Leadership Academy will help prepare me for what is to come.
Jacob Simmons
I am a Junior majoring in Agricultural Sciences. For my career, I want to own a farm or ranch in the future. My goals are to improve my public speaking and learn leadership activities that I can teach others. Although I've held leadership roles in the past, I feel like there is always room to grow and learn more.
Eamon Smith
I am a Junior studying Tourism, Recreation and Adventure Leadership. I want to make a contribution to any team I am apart of both on campus or off. Leadership gives me a voice and helps me do more for a team while contributing all that I have to offer. What I'm looking for out of the Leadership Academy is a chance to enhance and refine my leadership skills and this program gives me an opportunity to do so.
Tayessa Smith
Hi, I am a Junior in Animal Sciences with a minor in Fisheries and Wildlife. My career goal is to become a small animal veterinarian, and I feel that having great leadership skills can help with that career. The main thing that I see Leadership Academy helping me with is networking. From what I have heard, networking is huge in any field, but especially when it comes to being a veterinarian, and the path to becoming one. Leadership skills may be what sets me apart from others going into the field, and it may make me a better veterinarian in the future.
Eric Soto
I am a Sophomore studying Crop and Soil Science. I see leadership being a big part of my personal life and my career goals because to me leadership is crucial whether it is personal or career goal. To me, leadership means having the capacity to lead yourself and others to a certain path or a certain task to be accomplished. In leadership, it is important to make the right decisions and analyze the different outcomes of a scenario.
Hope Stansell
I am a Sophomore studying Agricultural Sciences. I think the Leadership Academy can help me with my career goal by helping me build my confidence. Sometimes when applying for a job I can come off not as confident as I should, especially when I don't fully feel prepared for the job. I don't think I'm going to feel completely prepared to jump into teaching after college but the Leadership Academy will help me feel confident and give me the leadership skills necessary to lead my students.
Allison Studnick
Hi, I am a Junior in Agricultural Sciences. For my career, I want to become an extension agent. Knowing fresh out of college, I would be starting out at the entry level. As I work my way up to become a supervisor or a person overseeing other people, a strength of mine will need to be leadership. And for my personal goals; I want to be able to give back to the organizations that gave and taught me so much. I would love to be a coach of OHSET and a 4-H leader to be able to help kids learn more about agriculture.
Benjamin Swancutt
I see myself in a leadership role in my future, and desire to learn and further develop all the skills necessary for that. My aspirations extend beyond achieving success academically or career wise, I desire to set an example for everyone around me, that I may inspire and help my children and those around me to work hard and uphold high moral standards.
Aoife Vaughan
Hi, I am a Sophomore studying Animal Sciences. My plan is to study veterinary medicine after I graduate from OSU. I think having experience in leadership can help me in vet school, because I will be able to stand tall and know who I am and what I am capable of. I am quite a shy person, and I would love to break out of that shell, and I feel that being apart of the Leadership Academy would really help with that. Not only can I see the leadership helping me through vet school, but if and when I am practicing veterinary medicine, I would like aspiring vets to look up to me, and if I have developed amazing leadership skills, I can guide them into the pathway of veterinary medicine.
Hannah Walker
Hi, I am a Junior studying Animal Sciences and Spanish. In my personal life, I am an athlete on the OSU Women's Rowing team. As a veterinarian, I will be making important decisions regarding the health and wellbeing of animals. I will also need to be able to communicate and work well with people, as communication is one of the most important things within the veterinary field of work.
Taylor Watanabe
Hi, I am a Sophomore studying Animal Science with a minor in Business. In order to become a leader I will need more leadership experience. My current goal that has been consistent throughout my life is to graduate with a Bachelors Degree in Animal Science and Minor in Business, followed by a Doctorate in Veterinary Medicine and eventually open a private-practice. Another goal that I am considering is to help animals on a larger scale with organizations such as the World Wildlife Foundation. This would require working with and managing a large number of people. I want to be a part of the Leadership Academy because I would like to better develop my leadership skills and experience as well as expand my network here at Oregon State and in the Corvallis community.
Cassandra Waterman
I am a senior in Agricultural Sciences and a minor in Leadership. After finishing my undergraduate, I intend to pursue my master's in agricultural education. Leadership is an important skill that anyone can benefit from, but will be particularly beneficial in an educational setting. As for personal goals having leadership skills instills confidence.
Le'Waski Watkins
Hi, I am a Sophomore studying Horticulture. Leadership has a major role in personal life. For example, my parents raised me to always be a leader and never a follow, life experiences also taught me to always lead be example. In my career goals leadership will help me with my aspirations of owing my own business and being a business owner you will have to be a great leader.
Irene Yang
I am a Junior in Agricultural Sciences with a minor in Soil Sciences. I think leadership plays an important part in my life. I have been a group and class leader several times in the past and I have learned a lot from those experiences. However, I wish to learn and develop my leadership skills more because I want to apply these skills in my future career. I want to attend a graduate school after graduating from college and want to conduct my own research, therefore, it is important to have leadership skills that I can deal with difficulties, communicate with others, and working in a team.