Winter 2023 Culture, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (CEDI) Newsletter

Volume 2, Issue 1

From the Dean

Welcome to the second installment of the Culture Equity Diversity and Inclusion (CEDI) newsletter. I love sharing the good work that is taking place across our College and OSU to advance a culture of equity, diversity and inclusion. While we certainly have work to do, it is important to take time to acknowledge progress.

I am particularly excited to announce that the Strategic Plan for Inclusive Excellence is nearing the final stage. Under the leadership of Gail Langellotto, more than 700 College-wide community members, including faculty, staff, students, industry stakeholders, and ag extension volunteers have engaged with the development of this plan. Some of the key themes that have emerged throughout this process, that will be reflected in the final plan, include a desire for:

  • Accurate and just representation of diversity within the College
  • Financial and other support to enable individuals from all backgrounds to flourish at OSU

An official launch of the plan is currently being planned for the fall and the College will continue to put forward collective effort to advance our shared CEDI goals. There are many ways you can get involved in these efforts as many departments and units have their own dedicated DEI programs. One exciting opportunity on the horizon is the SACNAS National Diversity STEM Conference in Portland this October. There are myriad ways to support our students here with more to be added in the future.

Remember also that our CARE commitment frames our collective embodiment of the practices and policies we embrace in everything we do.  As we strive to create a truly inclusive, equitable and just community each and every one of you has a role to play. Together, we can make important progress every day in our shared vision to make tomorrow better for everyone!


Staci L. Simonich, Ph.D., M.B.A.
Dean and Reub Long Professor
College of Agricultural Sciences
Director of the Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station

Update -- Strategic Plan for Inclusive Excellence

Since January of last year, a committee of faculty, staff, students, administrators, and stakeholders has been working to craft the College’s first-ever Strategic Action Plan for Inclusive Excellence.  The aim of the plan is to improve opportunities and outcomes for traditionally underrepresented students, faculty, staff, and stakeholders of the College.

The committee was tasked with developing the plan in consultation with the broader College community, and to ensure alignment with OSU’s 2019-2023 Strategic Plan SP4.0, as well as OSU’s Diversity Strategic Plan, Innovate and Integrate: Plan for Inclusive Excellence. 

Over the past year, the committee has worked with Teresita Alvarez-Cortez, Assistant Vice President for Strategic Diversity Initiatives in OSU’s Office of Institutional Diversity, to identify a collective vision for an accessible, inclusive, and equitable College of Agricultural Sciences. Following an internal visioning session, the committee cross-checked key goals and priorities by inviting the broader College community to share their vision for an accessible, inclusive, and equitable environment. 

This input informed the first draft of the Strategic Action Plan for Inclusive Excellence, which was recently shared with a series of five Focus Groups which provided specific feedback which is now in the process of being incorporated into a near-final version for approval by the Dean’s office.

With the goal to build a plan that would truly embody an actionable strategy to guide the College towards an inclusive, equitable culture it was critical that the process of the plan development reflected those values. To date, 704 College-wide community members, including faculty, staff, students, industry stakeholders, and ag extension volunteers have engaged with the development of this plan. The diverse, thoughtful, and extensive participation has resulted in more than 116 pages of written text and helped to identify convergent priorities and opportunities for investment.

Some of the key themes that have emerged throughout this process that will be reflected in the final plan include a desire for:

  • Accurate and just representation of diversity within the College
  • Financial and other support to enable individuals from all backgrounds to flourish at OSU

Goals were structured around these collective desires and touch on recruitment and retention, supporting inclusive learning and workspaces, and growing a portfolio of work across teaching, research, and extension that reflects the needs of diverse groups across Oregon.

As the Strategic Planning Committee nears the end of its work to draft the plan, the Dean’s office will act to put prioritized actions in place, and work towards achieving the College’s collectively stated goals.

One thing that is important to note is the plan is a living document. One that will be continually revisited, evaluated, and revised (as needed). The bulk of the work to deploy the measurable goals and strategies embedded in the final plan will fall to the Culture, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (CEDI) taskforce. Outcomes from those efforts will be reported upon via this newsletter and in the College’s Annual Report. However, success will depend on each member of the College community to remain committed to these shared values as we endeavor to uphold the College’s motto to make tomorrow better for everyone.

Get Involved

Oregon State University’s Society for the Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS) Chapter is one of 135 Chapters across the nation and one of the largest and strongest Chapters in Oregon, having won two National awards for leadership development and community engagement in 2015 and 2018. 

This year the annual National Diversity in STEM (NDiSTEM) Conference is scheduled for Oct. 26-28 in Portland, OR and there are many ways to serve and help OSU SACNAS reach its goals to grow membership at OSU, and in our region as we strive to help develop and grow new Chapters at schools from around the area.

Learn about ways OSU faculty can get involved with SACNAS

Awards and Accolades

Salini Sasidharan

2022 Early Career Award: Salini Sasidharan

2023 Frances Dancy Hooks Award: Dana Sanchez with Maria Chávez-Haroldson

2023 Frances Dancy Hooks Award: Dana Sanchez