International internships and research allow students to pursue professional experiences on a global level while receiving academic credit and using financial aid and scholarships to support time abroad. Internships are available:
- In all CAS disciplines.
- In all types of professional organizations including research labs, industry, small businesses, NGOs, government agencies, non-profits and education.
- In many world languages including English.
- At all times of year.
- For undergraduate and graduate students.
Most internships are 3-6 months in duration. Internship providers often help interns find housing, get oriented to their work place and environment, and develop critical work skills. Many also provide stipends or other support to help cover costs. While you must register for a minimum of one credit, you can earn more. To find your international internship or research opportunity, start here:
Here are a few of the many opportunities recommended for CAS students

Cheetah Conservation Fund (CCF)
Puerto Lopez, Ecuador

Sea Turtle and Marine Wildlife Conservation
Bawnboy, County Cavan, Ireland

Sustainability & Horticulture in Ireland
San Vito, Costa Rica

Tropical Forestry and Botanical Studies
Heredia, Costa Rica

Tropical Wildlife Husbandry & Rehabilitation
Monteverde, Costa Rica

Humans and the Rainforest
Hermanus, South Africa

South African Shark Conservancy: Research and Fieldwork
Cape Town, South Africa

Cape Town Brewing Industry
Cape Town, South Africa

Cape Town Wineries
All students planning an international internship or research experience are encouraged to apply for financial support from the E.R. Jackman Friends & Alumni Internship Financial Support Program. Applications for International Internship/Research support will also be considered for additional support from the CAS Global Experience Fund.