Undergraduate Professional Development Award

The College of Agricultural Sciences (CAS) invites undergraduate students to apply for funding through the Professional Development Award to help cover costs for conference attendance or travel for field trips related to CAS courses. Both Corvallis campus and Ecampus undergraduate students are eligible for these awards.

Application open until Oct. 18


  • Must be an undergraduate student in the College of Agricultural Sciences.
  • Can only be used for conference travel or traveling for field trips related to a CAS course.
  • Will NOT support travel abroad.
  • Must have a mentor/professor that can vouch for this event.

Award amount

Students may receive up to $250 in Professional Development Award funds per academic year.


The application opens on the Monday of Week 1 and closes on the Friday of Week 3 (5pm PST) every term except for summer. Funding requests need to be for travel or events happening in future terms as it takes a few weeks for funds to be disbursed.


 Student Awardees 2023 - 2024

Heather Thomas - Fisheries & Wildlife Sciences major

Attended The Wildlife Society Annual Conference in Louisville, KY


Vanessa Ryan - Food Science and Technology

Attended the 2024 Unified Wine & Grape Symposium in Sacramento, CA

Anna Ehlers - Horticulture major

Attended the Oregon Blueberry Conference in Salem, OR

Abigail van Klaveren - Horticulture major

Attended the International Plant Propagators Society Western Region Annual Meeting in Temecula, CA


 Student Awardees 2024 - 2025

Birgitta Woods - Botany and Microbiology major

Attended the Mycological Society of America Annual Meeting in Markham, Ontario, Canada

Applied Economics Quiz Bowl team at the 2024 AAEA Annual Meeting in New Orleans, LA
Sarah Graham - Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Sciences major

Attended the State of the Coast in Seaside, Oregon

For questions and information, contact:

Rachel Jones, CAS Student Engagement Coordinator
Email rachel.jones@oregonstate.edu