Building Community and Networks for All

MANRRS Chapter at OSU attends Region VI Cluster meeting in Denver

The MANRRS Chapter at Oregon State University had a great trip to Denver attending the Region VI 2024 cluster meeting, Nov. 1-2.  

2024 Veterinary Medicine in Mexico program - hands on
Veterinary Medicine in Mexico

A group of 20 students traveled to Mexico for two weeks in the June of 2024 as part of the study abroad program: Veterinary Medicine in Mexico. Undergraduate students from OSU, get expose to the practice of veterinary medicine in Mexico through serving communities in need by treating their working animals under the guidance and supervision of veterinarians.

2024 SACNAS National Conference overview
2024 SACNAS National Diversity in STEM Conference

"After attending NDiSTEM, I feel more inspired than ever to pursue my passion for STEM. The discussions, insights, and support from my peers have not only expanded my knowledge but have also reinforced my belief that we’re all capable of breaking boundaries. Together, we can shape the future of innovation”
~ Wesley Armendarez, 4th year student

OSU Students at a Mexican histoircal site.
2023 Ancient and Modern-Day Agriculture in the heart of Mexico

Summer 2023 was the first OSU Mexico program collaboration with Universidad Autónoma Chapingo. Fourteen students participated in the program, where over 85% of the students were fully funded through grants. Ten of the students helped in creating agriculture curriculum, interview questions, and conducted interviews that teachers can use to help aid in classroom content. Jay Well, Associate Director of the Science Math Investigate Learning Experiences (SMILE) program also joined us and a huge help in working with students to create agricultural content.

Graduation Rate of

30% Higher 

National MANRRS & SACNAS students at OSU achieve a 6-year graduation rate of 30% higher than other underrepresented students at the university, showcasing the power of community, leadership, and cultural inclusion.

Bridging STEM, culture, and community!

162 Active Leaders

Empowering underrepresented students through leadership, professionalism, and community building with MANRRS and SACNAS!

Opportunities for Students

Fellowships Offered to Engage K12 Students in Agricultural Careers

- Create short form videos

- Develop agricultural curriculum

- Share your college story

- Work as part of a team

- 45 hours of work over 1 term

- $1000 stipend

For more information contact:
Jay Well

Additional Resources

Minorities in Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Related Sciences
Society For Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science
College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP)

Outreach Opportunities for Faculty

¡OSU Juntos día de familia!  | Juntos Family Day!

Juntos works to em­power Latinx students and families in Oregon around education

Save the Date! May 17, 2025

Currently taking requests from CAS faculty/departments to collaborate in a hands-on activity on May 17, 2025. This is a great recruitment and retention event!  


Give the Gift of Opportunity!

Support first-generation students from migrant and diverse underrepresented communities overcome barriers and achieve their full potential. Your generous donations will provide them with the resources, training, and opportunities to thrive academically and professionally.

Your Contribution Will Empower Students To:

  • Attend professional conferences to present their groundbreaking research

  • Host professional development workshops for the OSU community

  • Engage in impactful outreach activities that inspire future generations


Choose how you'd like to contribute:

We offer two meaningful donation options to make a lasting impact on these students' journeys.

1. Send a check - Please make sure to send an email to with the amount donating to ensure the check is received.

Please make your check payable to “MANRRS at Oregon State University” and send to:

Attn: Clarisa Caballero-Ignacio
Oregon State University
Strand Ag Hall 170 SW Waldo PL RM 147
Corvallis, OR 97331

2. Donate online - Please follow the instructions below to select the correct fund account.

Amount (USD): Type in the amount you’d like to gift
Frequency: Select “once
I want to give to: Type in and select,“Terence Bradshaw Minorities in Ag, Natl Resources & Related Sci Fund”

We greatly appreciate your generosity and support!


Clarisa Caballero-Ignacio

Contact us:

Clarisa Caballero-Ignacio

Coordinator of Student Outreach and Retention
Advisor for MANRRS and SACNAS Chapters at Oregon State University

158B Strand Agriculture Hall
Phone: 541-737-6959