Sustainability Double Degree

Undergraduate Program Fact Sheet
Sustainability Double Degree

Become a Systems Thinker

The Sustainability Program allows you to add a B.S. in Sustainability to your degree plan in any other major at OSU. Students from majors as different as Business Administration, Natural Resources, and Civil Engineering come together in the Sustainability Program to gain a better understanding of the social, economic, and environmental dimensions of sustainability issues and to hone their skills in systems thinking. As a Sustainability student, you will learn to creatively and collaboratively work towards a more equitable and sustainable future.
Grace Burks

Faces of AgSci

"I sought to engage with interdisciplinary curriculum, guaranteeing I could work with colleagues from a variety of backgrounds and disciplines. I also plan to work in the field of sustainable agriculture, and this double degree allowed me to expand my knowledge and networks within this realm." ~ Grace Burks

College of Agricultural Sciences

  2,709 |  
Total number of AgSci
undergraduate students
  179 |  
Number of undergraduate
students in this major
  $900K |  
In scholarships for
AgSci students
  $114M |  
In funding for AgSci
research each year

Sustainability Double Degree Degree Options

  • Sustainability Double Degree (Corvallis, Ecampus, Cascades)
  • Sustainability Minor (Corvallis, Ecampus, Cascades)

Degrees that Pay. Careers that Matter.

Job opportunities are abundant for graduates with expertise in food, agriculture, renewable natural resources, or ecological sustainability. This expertise helps solve the world’s most pressing issues in the arenas of world hunger, human health, and environmental conservation. Discover how you can build a meaningful career that helps make tomorrow better.

Examples of career paths with a degree in Sustainability Double Degree include:

  • Conservation and restoration
  • Corporate sustainability
  • Policy making and regulation
  • NGO or other nonprofit
  • Education
  • Research and development
  • Marketing and media
  • Sustainable engineering
  • Consulting
  • Waste prevention and management
  • Food and agriculture

Individualized Advising

Advisors help students develop their course of study. They are the students’ link to scholarships and campus resources, advise on matters of professional development, and point students toward experiential learning and leadership opportunities that will help them be successful in their agricultural or business careers after graduation. For Sustainability Double Degree advising, contact Erica Elliott

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