Ecological Engineering

Undergraduate Program Fact Sheet
Ecological Engineering

What is Ecological Engineering?

The EcoE degree at OSU is a unique, ABET-accredited degree that is the first of its kind in the nation. Ecological Engineering blends engineering and science, and focuses on the design of sustainable systems (natural, urban, and agricultural) that are consistent with ecological principles and integrate human activities into the natural environment to the benefit of both. This discipline is rapidly developing as an important new area of engineering.

Faces of AgSci

"I consider all experiences extremely valuable because I can apply the knowledge I’ve gained from my mentors to future pursuits, and as a CAS leader, I can help my fellow peers feel welcomed, supported, and advocated for." - Emily Ammeraal, Ecological Engineering | Class of 2024

College of Agricultural Sciences

  2,709 |  
Total number of AgSci
undergraduate students
  98 |  
Number of undergraduate
students in this major
  $900K |  
In scholarships for
AgSci students
  $114M |  
In funding for AgSci
research each year

Ecological Engineering Degree Options

  • Ecological Engineering major (on campus)
  • Irrigation Engineering minor (available to EcoE majors only) (on campus)
Examples of EcoE-related projects
  • Riparian restoration
  • Improving agricultural water quality
  • Developing sustainable industrial systems (agricultural and otherwise)
  • Dealing with issues associated with global climate change

Degrees that Pay. Careers that Matter.

Job opportunities are abundant for graduates with expertise in food, agriculture, renewable natural resources, or ecological sustainability. This expertise helps solve the world’s most pressing issues in the arenas of world hunger, human health, and environmental conservation. Discover how you can build a meaningful career that helps make tomorrow better.

Examples of career paths with a degree in Ecological Engineering include:

  • Water Resources
  • Irrigation Design & Management
  • River Engineering
  • Ecological Restoration
  • Water Treatment
  • Bioremediation
  • Ecosystem Modeling
  • Related Fields

Individualized Advising

Advisors help students develop their course of study. They are the students’ link to scholarships and campus resources, advise on matters of professional development, and point students toward experiential learning and leadership opportunities that will help them be successful in their agricultural or business careers after graduation. For Ecological Engineering advising, contact Khrystal Condon

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